Friday, April 4, 2008


OK so I'm trying something that should keep me busy and not laying around so much (ha as if I got that luxury) Ok so I need all of your participation in this... I want to play a little game that I am making up called "Being Served" You must perform a service for someone and then respond to me and I have to match that service. I have 10 days to do so otherwise I have to serve you at that same service you did for someone else. The service has got to be realistic like I can't match a 300 dollar gift to a fundraiser, it has got to be something I really can accomplish. It also can't be matching a meal if someone called you from the relief society it has to be your own service on your own time. Ok lets put ourselves to the test! Ps I can't do this forever so depending on how many of you try playing depends on when I give up hah. Im excited. BRING IT!


The Hamlin Family said...

W-O-W!!! OK, have you ever heard of the quote "A true friend makes you want to be a better person"??? Well, thanks for being a true friend Dani!!!

PS...I thought of something I can do, so I will email you about it later on today. I have to take Luke to swim now, but I just wanted to say that I'm totally NOT surprised that this post came from are ALWAYS serving others!!!

boandmarianne said...

I love this post! You are awesome, Dani. I am really trying just to focus on my kids lately and pay attention to them instead of being so wrapped up in my daily routine. So today I am going to sit down with each of my children for 5 min and just listen to what they have to say.

Alix Hart said...

Hi there Dani,
I hope you don't mind me being on your blog, but Carlee (Wright) got a class website going that's easy and free and quite a few people have already got on with updates of what they are doing and it's really fun. Anyways, I wanted to pass the link onto you and hope that you could pass it on to as many people as you can think of. Tami Hendrickson is heading up the 10 yr. reunion and through the website we can contact as many people as possible.
Your family looks darling and it looks like you are doing well. Sorry again for getting on your blog univited.
(just copy and paste into your url)

Thanks Alix (Spackman) Hart

Jensen Family said...

Hello! We miss you guys! The kids keep asking when we can go to St.G again and play. I hope it happens sooner than later. Love you all! Steph

Mandi Brown said...

Service huh, let me get this straight I tell you something I did and you match it, well today I helped an old lady cross the street, tied her shoes, cooked her shrimp scampi, then did a 6000 piece jig saw puzzle and still managed to bake 12 doz cookies for the relief society.

Mandi Brown said...

ok fine, so on a serious not I did ask a friend to bring her kids over for a couple hours and told her to go get some errands done. It's not much but I know how much I appreciate it when someone does it for me, so it's always good to PAY IT FORWARD.

Unknown said...

Dani, I snuck on. But, please invite me! I'm gonna stay up all night and think of a service. You are the best. We just love you and your cute family. What a darling blog.

davidandjodi said...


I love your idea, you are always so good at service! Anyway I brought a plant over to a family in our ward I had never met. They are going through a hard time and I wanted to let them know we were thinking of them and ask if there was anything we could do to help.

The Facks of Life said...

I flashed my pregnant belly to a friend of mine. But since that's not an option for you right now, I'll do you the favor of coming up with something else. Ok, I have an amazing husband. Not just kindof amazing, super amazing. I have been thinking about how much he has done for me and our family lately so I just sat down and wrote a long letter to him about how amazing he really is. Then I made him his favorite food. STEAK! (which I hate, so we never have) Bring it girl!


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