Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Oh my...... "LITTLE BOY"

Who's your mother?


Megan said...

So cute!! That makes me laugh!

Cameron and Michelle said...

Your posts are so cute. i love the basketball pics of Wade. I need to get going on our garden. We need to make a few monday night activities out of it with our kids. Amie (Cam's sister wants to go in on the fx photo with you if you want) When you get it let me know and I can show you how to use it.

Mandi Brown said...

Littl boy blue let me tell you how your mother is. She is about 5'4 blues eyes and full of spice. She dipped into her childhood to have you all. SO your feet are dirty big deal. At least you have food, fun, and sure you have to pour your own cereal but big deal.

Mandi Brown said...

PS I dont' know why my name came as party goer it's brownies. ME

LACY said...

That's boys for ya! Cute

The Hamlin Family said...

That is so funny. I'm going to defend Jaden and say that you should have posted: "WHERE is your mother!!!" (OK...You know I'm totally kidding.) Gotta love that cute little boy of yours...dirt and all!!!

Drew and Michele said...

Oh my how I love little boys!! Dani I am so glad you have a blog, now I can stay updated on your little kiddos! SO cute by the way, I haven't seen Joey since she was a teeny tiny baby, she is so big now! Hope all is well with your family!

Gretchen said...

Oh boys! It never ends either! They are just a whole different breed than our little princess girls! You just gotta love them!!


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