Wednesday, February 13, 2008

And she's off

How many of you remember the Carol Bernett show and the little old man that walked one inch per thirty steps he took, well our sweet little dainty Joey performs that same sequence of action only she is CRAWLING. She has been so happy since and it is fun to see where her little body takes her. She especially perfers the tile floor, I think because I never set her on it before in fear of her bonking.


Cameron and Michelle said...

Ok so cute!! you are a pro already! I hope you are feeling better and even more so I hope that on Friday you solve this mistery and there can be more cute jensen babies without getting deathly sick. Thanks for being excited about the dinner tomorrow night and helping us get it planned.

LACY said...

It's about time! Yeah I am so glad you started a blog. You are so funny. I love your pics! SO cute.

Jessica Call said...

Dani, You are the cutest family ever. All I could say when I saw your blog was "Oh my gosh!" I am so glad that Joey is crawling so is adorable!

Elsha Gubler said...

your kids are so adorable! I can't believe your little Joey is crawling! Time flies!!!


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