Sunday, March 23, 2008

MOOOHAAAA I'm Alive!!!

May I highly recommend not getting your Gal Bladder out!!! I think this was a couple weeks of sacrifice for everyone including baby Joey- she didn't understand why mom won't pick her up and has taken a new love to Dad. It had been really tough on me of course. I often think about how hard it is to do the mom thing sometimes and then reality hits and I'm taken from that blessing and would give anything to be back doing the mom thing. Not that Dad didn't do a great job especially when I had to convince him (two days worth of convincing) that its best Joey has a nap when she is tired instead of keeping the poor infant up so that she would sleep through the night for him. Oh we love our Dad, don't we children...

Thank you to so many of you who helped us in our time of need. I have always known the caliber of friends and family I have, and so THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart even to my own little family who sacrificed the little things.


Mandi Brown said...

Well sis, first off so glad I was so much help in this time of need, second I just laughed out loud reading this, the mooohhaaa is what got me cause I have seen it with my own eyes. Hope things are getting better and next year I am sure you will make those hunts wade missed this year. HA HA

Cameron and Michelle said...

so glad you are feeling better!!

The Hamlin Family said...

No matter how hard we try...guys will NEVER understand the mind of a mommy!!! And good point Dani...being a mom is better (and easier) than taking the "sick days" that life throws at us!!!

The Hamlin Family said...

PS...Sorry about all the computer kept freezing...and than I didn't notice this post until after I rebooted the whole thing...URRRRRR!!

Megan said...

Okay we are so out of the loop. We had no idea you had your gal bladder out! I hope you are feeling better.

Camie said...

You're such a survivor, Dani! It comes from the morning sickness!!

Leanne said...

gosh, I didn't realize that you couldn't pick up your baby, your post was good for me to read, I need to remember that I wouldn't trade being a mom for anything!!!!

Elsha Gubler said...

I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better! I'm sorry I didn't hear about it sooner or I could've been some sort of help. Sorry!

Gretchen said...

Oh, I hope that you are feeling better! You poor thing! I am sure that was one of the hardest couple of weeks of your life!! I really wish you would have let me help you out! I am here for you any time you need anything! Don't hesitate to call!! now, you just need to sit back and cuddle your little Joey! Cute little thing!


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